Sunday, January 3, 2010

Sunday, December 13, 2009

This Week - 7th December 2009

This week has not been too much interesting for me.Too much drinking (almost 4 out of 5 working days) & freak outs.Now it has become a personal agenda of highest priority to cut down on that count.Anyway's,even in this freak week there were some interesting things that caught my attention.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

2012 The Movie

Last Tuesday I managed to see the movie "2012" finally..
There are a couple of reasons for which I wanted to see this movie.The first and foremost is the theme of the movie.The prediction of apocalypse in 2012 as per Mayan calendar becoming true and human race is struggling for it's existence.Mayan civilization and particularly their astronomy and calendar always awed me with mystery.On top of that it was a Roland Emmerich(of Independence Day and Day After Tomorrow fame) movie.I was eager to watch how the master of disaster genre portrays the doomsday.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Why Will I Go To A Community/Club Event

I have been part of various communities and clubs in Kolkata for quite sometime now.Be it a cine club or some technology community events (at least once in a year) is part of the regular program.Sometimes we see a very good turnaround of the members/audiences and sometimes that is not the case.For the past few days I am just trying to find out what are the possible circumstances under which a person will come to this kind of gathering and why we normally miss some of them in these events:

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Knowing - By Design Or By Chance

Recently Nicholas Cage starrer Knowing has hit the theatres.I came to know about this movie from my Flixter updates.After reading the storyline I just can't wait to watch this movie.Not sure,when'll that happen.It deals with a very basic question of philosophy and science that has been a constant source of debate among scholars.To me a constant source of quest.Are we here today as part of grand scheme designed by some divine force or just by chance?Let me quickly try to explain the two school of thoughts.