Saturday, September 12, 2009

Why Will I Go To A Community/Club Event

I have been part of various communities and clubs in Kolkata for quite sometime now.Be it a cine club or some technology community events (at least once in a year) is part of the regular program.Sometimes we see a very good turnaround of the members/audiences and sometimes that is not the case.For the past few days I am just trying to find out what are the possible circumstances under which a person will come to this kind of gathering and why we normally miss some of them in these events:

  • I am an active member of the group and is one key persons of the organizing team.
  • I am an active member of the group but my activities are primarily online and I would meet others F2F
  • I am a member of the group, not very active,I have attended the last event and it was not bad.
  • I am not a member of the group but the focus of the matches with my hobby and I want to check out what they do.
  • I am not a member of the group but the agenda of the event seemed interesting, I received notification way ahead so that I can plan to attend this event,the mailer communications/reminders were effective... let me try this out.
  • ..... This much I can think of let me know if there are more

I personally feel to attract the last group of individuals is extremely vital to the sustainence of the club or community.Because purpose of the community is to spread the word, get new members aboard,fresh ideas and perspectives.So if this section of the crowd is missing from the events it's the flaw of the event mangement and organizers and there is no point saying "People are not interested in whatever great we are trying to do"...

So we have to plan ahead and plan better and communicate to everybody about the event in an effective manner.

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